You can also change your preferences regarding the advertisements you receive at any time. You have the right to access and modify your personal data, as well as to request its suppression, within the limits foreseen by the legislation in force. It will also be used, according to your selected preferences, to provide you with more relevant advertisements. This information will be transmitted to CCM Benchmark Group to ensure the delivery of your newsletter. On an IBM Thinkpad, press Shift + Scroll Lock Num. If this doesn't work, try pressing Fn + Numlk or, depending on the model, Fn + Shift + Numlk. If your keyboard is producing numbers instead of letters, hold down the Function key (Fn) on your keyboard in order to be able to write normally. Use the steps outlined in this article to correctly clean your keyboard. If this doesn't work, double-check that the keys themselves aren't clogged with dust or other dirt by cleaning out your keyboard with a specialised keyboard cleaner. On your keyboard, locate and press the ALT + ctrl + fn keys. To fix this issue, the steps are quite simple. How to repair laptop Control keys that have stopped working? This article will provide you with solutions on how to repair CTRL and Fn keys issues. The Fn key allows for additional functionalities in combination with other keys such as increasing or decreasing the brightness of the screen, changing the volume of the speakers or office software shortcuts. The same problem can occur with the Function (Fn) key. When one or both of these keys stop working, it can be quite annoying, especially for using some computer shortcuts.

These keys are used to optimize the other keys on your keyboard by giving them additional functions, such as copying and pasting text. Most laptops have at least one Control (CTRL) key, and standard PCs usually have two.